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Phenom & Legacy Summer 2021 Market Report

Phenom 100, Phenom 300, Legacy 500

Phenom 100 Market

Current Market State for the Phenom 100

Phenom 100 inventory has decreased by 60% in the last year. At just 17 listings, 6% of the active fleet is for sale, the lowest level in nearly three years. Inventory has had no effect on activity, with 14 transactions taking place during the 2nd quarter. Compare this to Q2 2020, where just three aircraft had sold. Both 2019 and 2020 produced seven sales YTD, with 2021 seeing a whopping 26 sales so far this year. Pricing has increased, with many aircraft not lasting more than a couple of days on the market. With low inventory, strong prices, and incredible demand, now is the perfect time to sell your Phenom 100.

Phenom 100 Market Snapshot

  • 17
  • 294
  • 6%
  • $1,195,000 - $2,300,000
  • $1,793,700
  • 294
  • 3,066
  • 14

Phenom 300 Market

Current Market State for the Phenom 300

Phenom 300 inventory has decreased by 50% in the past six months. Of the 17 current listings, less than half of those aircraft are in the US, creating one of the tightest Phenom 300 markets we’ve ever seen. Just 4% of the active fleet is now for sale. Demand continues to plow forward, with an additional 10 sales this past quarter. There were only six sales YTD in 2020 and 11 in 2019. Compare that to 2021, which has already produced 22 sales. This strong demand and lack of options is causing prices to increase substantially. If you own Phenom 300, now is a perfect time to sell.

Phenom 300 Market Snapshot

  • 17
  • 476
  • 4%
  • $4,778,888 - $8,250,000
  • $6,449,415
  • 228
  • 1,916
  • 10

Legacy 500 Market

Current Market State for the Legacy 500

Legacy 500 inventory is practically non-existent as we head into the 3rd quarter of 2021. At just two aircraft for sale, this is the fewest Legacy 500 listings we’ve seen since it has matured into a pre-owned market. Just 3% of the active fleet is for sale, which has caused prices to increase for the first time. Activity has matched inventory, with two sales managing to take place during Q2 2021. With record low inventory and increasing prices, now is the perfect time to sell your Legacy 500.

Legacy 500 Market Snapshot

  • 2
  • 84
  • 3%
  • Not Listed
  • Not Listed
  • 215
  • 870
  • 2